Holy Night at Huxby Abbey
SKU: CSFallExpo-05
Pattern Name: Holy Night at Haxby Abbey
Designed By: Nurdan Kanber
Company: NNK BV Holland
Copyright: Nurdan Kanber
Fabric: Aida 20, Mushroom
201w X 231h Stitches
Size: 20 Count, 25.53w X 29.34h cm• The model is stitched and finished by Debbie Bosscher
(@creatively.yours.2) on 40 count Vintage Lace handdyed by Debbie Bosscher
with the called for DMC.
• The model is stitched as one strand over two.
• DMC 422 Hazelnut Brown – LT is required 2 skeins
• The rest of colors is required 1 skein for each.